Tag:Document Management

Corporate DMS outside of legal – taxonomy who?
Corporate DMS outside of legal – taxonomy who?

Introducing a Document Management System (DMS) to a corporation – not a law firm – brings a new level of challenge to the business analysis.  In a corporation, there might not be a pre-defined taxonomy to organize everyone’s information. A law firm almost always has an existing process to bill for services grouped by client,…

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WorkSite 8.5 and 9.0 – why upgrade? (video)
WorkSite 8.5 and 9.0 – why upgrade? (video)

Now for something rather different – video blog via our partner ii3: why you should plan your upgrade to WorkSite 8.5 or WorkSite 9.0. Verity (and Vivisimo) are reaching end-of-life as far as iManage is concerned. No support for some new acrobat formats.  The time has come to upgrade. 8.5 requires a reinstall of your…

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Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up
Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up

iManage’s desktop applications – whether it’s FileSite, DeskSite, or Email Management – are each closely integrated into the Microsoft Office suite. WorkSite acts as a gate-keeper so that multiple people do not start making changes simultaneously to the same document, resulting in lost work when one overwrites the other. This gate-keeping is accomplished with a…

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WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up
WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up

With a search, WHAT you find is quite dependent on WHERE you start. In this article, I describe several of the dimensions involved in default search scope, stemming from WorkSite desktop and server configuration.