
indemnity costs: eDisclosure failures | eDiscovery spotlight
indemnity costs: eDisclosure failures | eDiscovery spotlight

The real risk of allowing substantive content to fester in mailboxes: being liable for the cost of finding the pertinent content. Move it to matter-centric storage and purge those mailboxes regularly. Ban PST files entirely. “We are currently undertaking a detailed review of the proposals. It appears you propose an annual review of approximately 100 mailboxes…

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How to search for a folder in FileSite
How to search for a folder in FileSite

Trouble finding a folder – a classic-style Public Folder in WorkSite, or a deeply-buried folder within a workspace? Perhaps you never have this problem. If your firm has always used WorkSite with the best of Matter Centric techniques in designing workspace and folder structures, and you’ve been using the ‘the fewer-the-better’ paradigm, you probably don’t…

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Large-scale IDOL index management

How many records can I expect one IDOL content engine to handle? The magic number is ten million ‘documents’ per content engine. This is not the simple number of ‘documents’ created: the number is incremented for each version, individual items inside ZIP or compressed folders, and each attachment on contributed email. Beware: some re-indexing techniques also…

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Upgrading to IDOL | iManage WorkSite Server

Autonomy’s flagship search product is the IDOL content engine. If you are still using WorkSite’s 8.2 Verity indexer, you should prepare to upgrade within the next twelve months. Will your existing hardware be up for the job? The answer will depend on your number of iManage users, the amount of content, load and distribution, and of course the hardware itself.