February 2012 top ten posts

February 2012 top ten posts

Fireworks - celebrate!Feb Faves: the top ten posts from this Cersys blog during February 2012.

Unlike January’s troubleshooting-heavy favourites, this month new content brought in a lot of the traffic, especially if you include the new Quick Q&A.

Color-coding:  troubleshooting, design-or-upgrades, and analysis posts.

The catch-all page of “Quick Questions and Answers” has hit critical mass: it grew 50% in content and got twice as many visits as the next-most-popular article.   This is the last month I’ll let it take a spot in the top-ten. After this, the individual articles will be the only candidates. After all, I already exclude my contact page from these stats.

  1. Quick Questions and Answers | iManage FileSite, EMM, WorkSite, etc  – a page with 14+ specific topics accumulated over time. Officially time to give some of these various facts a post of their own – especially the “long” facts. I detest extended scrolling.
  2. Refresh? How long? | FileSite close-up – November 2, 2011. As this post says, this refresh behavior is very likely causing you grief.
  3. Outlook crashes on launch? Maybe tangled NETs  This troubleshooting post was published December 9, 2011.
  4. iManage EMM 8.5 and Outlook 2010| FileSite close-up  – October 12, 2011. A cross-link to another LegalIT blog, exploring compatibility of the newer EMM and Outlook 2010.  Read on to see which new posts cracked this month’s top ten.
  5. The first newbie post was February 6, 2012’s popular Upgrading to IDOL | iManage WorkSite Server
  6. Just Launched! 8.5 SP2 Update 6 for FileSite – DeskSite – OffSite – Email Management. Published February 15, 2012.  The iManage forums had seen some traffic about the ‘delete key’ bug this promised to fix.
  7. WorkSite 8.5 icons – The Usual Suspects. I did not expect this post to be so popular. Perhaps I am not the only person to think these icons are tiny and barely legible. February 14, 2012.
  8. On errors and Redemption | FileSite close-up – June 28, 2011. Oldest and still in the Champion’s Circle! Seems like Microsoft is never going to eliminate “DLL Hell” as a source of bugs.
  9. Outlook hangs on drag-drop | FileSite close-up – October 3, 2011. I wonder whether the refresh logic still hits the network so many times, with Update 6?
  10. January 2012 top ten posts – well, that’s painfully self-referential.  This top-ten outperformed a few interesting new tech posts (like DNS Aliases which is a current personal favorite)
  11. Duelling Previews in Outlook 2007 and FileSite – November 29, 2011. Based on a real-life support case.

30-day stats pulled March 1.

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