KM twitter highlights: June 2012

KM twitter highlights: June 2012

KM twitter highlights: June 2012

If I find an article or tweet to be particularly interesting and insightful, I often re-tweet it as @CersysInc. When you view these in aggregate, they often form a good meta-narrative of Knowledge Management thinking gathered over the course of time. Here’s what came up in June 2012.

Knowledge Management

 The 3 use cases at #socialnow: collaborative knowledge work, innovation management, topic-based knowledge sharing

  “To move from seeing knowledge as personal property to seeing it as collective property (is) a significant culture shift”…

 The 5 most common objections to Knowledge Management, and how to answer them @Zite #km


Object [is to] to revisit your DMS project after a bit to enhance correct issues #iltakm

 Invest in growing know-how: RT @xlambertg: Thought Provoking Management Metrics (Part Two)

 MT @Metaphorage: “NOW” =75% of KNOW Ideas R adopted & applied when critical 2 act in the moment & context Otherwise just contextual#kmuk12

 Whose wisdom? #KM #KMers #knoco

 Easiest way to adoption–solve a business problem. Ees may not care that it’s social if it gets job done. #e2conf

 that’s depressing >RT @dpontefract: Collaboration is tranformational but succeeds only if embedded into transactional. #e2conf #futureofwork


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