
indemnity costs: eDisclosure failures | eDiscovery spotlight
indemnity costs: eDisclosure failures | eDiscovery spotlight

The real risk of allowing substantive content to fester in mailboxes: being liable for the cost of finding the pertinent content. Move it to matter-centric storage and purge those mailboxes regularly. Ban PST files entirely. “We are currently undertaking a detailed review of the proposals. It appears you propose an annual review of approximately 100 mailboxes…

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e-Discovery MOVES the need for expertise – does not REMOVE it
e-Discovery MOVES the need for expertise – does not REMOVE it

A Forbes article ” What Technology-Assisted Electronic Discovery Teaches Us About The Role Of Humans In Technology” – by (Ben Kerschberg @benkerschberg) – sparked an interesting discussion on twitter.  What caught my eye?  The article’s description of ‘attorney surprise’ that e-discovery success in leveraging search or predictive coding would be affected by having good search terms or seeds….

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