Monthly Archives: June 2011

On errors and Redemption | FileSite close-up
On errors and Redemption | FileSite close-up

Is FileSite or Outlook popping up “Unable to retrieve email from Exchange or a conflict exists” – during email contributions in FileSite 8.2 and FileSite 8.5? Troubleshooting, fixing short and long-term, and root cause: all are covered in this post.

Goodnight Dune: geekdom x parenthood

When you travel to the confluence of geekdom and parenthood, what book do you find on the toddler’s nightstand? Goodnight Dune. Click through to the site. This is not a single-image gimmick: the whole book is re-cast in Arrakis terms.

Information overload? Maybe it’s bad design

Data, when presented elegantly and with respect, is not confounding but clarifying. “There is no such thing as information overload,” Tufte says at the start of his courses. “Only bad design.”
The following points caught my eye because they succinctly describe vital guidelines. Point number two is a succinct way to say that user errors are not always a sign of insufficient training – sometimes they are the result of bad solution design.

Success as a Service – Enhanced Support

You’ve likely heard of SaaS – Software as a Service.  I like to think of Cersys’ Enhanced Support program as Success as a Service for your Document Management Solution. Creating and improving Document Management Systems is what we do.  Even the largest firms I have worked with do not have the luxury of devoting a…

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