
WorkSite folder deleted accidentally?
WorkSite folder deleted accidentally?

Restoring a deleted DMS folder is no laughing matter After a folder or a tree of folders has been deleted, it is a slow, complex, manual process to reverse-engineer the folder and its contents.  There is no restore-from-trash option – neither for users nor for sys-admins. I repeat: iManage provides no administrator-friendly tools to ‘undelete’ a folder or…

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Server upgrades, War, Peace, and other trivialities
Server upgrades, War, Peace, and other trivialities

I’ve been visiting the seamy underbelly of Windows Server a lot recently. In particular, I’ve installed (and uninstalled and reinstalled and backed out) a set of services without achieving a successful upgrade… my goal is now re-set to get the dev system running the way it was a month ago. What am I still grateful…

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Clearing Internet Explorer’s history and cookies
Clearing Internet Explorer’s history and cookies

The following steps will walk you through clearing out the browsing history and cookies from Internet Explorer, in a way suitable for clearing a server before major software installation. Or, you might use these steps if you’re having trouble client-side and you need to be sure that you’ve retrieved the most recent version of a…

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Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up
Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up

iManage’s desktop applications – whether it’s FileSite, DeskSite, or Email Management – are each closely integrated into the Microsoft Office suite. WorkSite acts as a gate-keeper so that multiple people do not start making changes simultaneously to the same document, resulting in lost work when one overwrites the other. This gate-keeping is accomplished with a…

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