
iManage FileSite’s Filing Status columns: a quick tip
iManage FileSite’s Filing Status columns: a quick tip

Question: My Outlook ‘Inbox’ has DMS fields for ‘Filing Location’ ‘Filing Status’ and ‘Filing Date’ – but my ‘Sentbox’ does not have these fields.  Is this normal? How can I get this information to appear in my Sent Items and in my Inbox? Answer: That’s normal, but don’t despair. You can easily add Filing Status…

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6 Adoption Lessons from SharePoint Governance for any solution

Consumable: something you internalize. Adoption: adds a new responsibility that tags around after you.  At spTechCon I enjoyed the presentation Creating a Consumable SharePoint Governance Plan by Susan Hanley.   Susan shared a living list of SharePoint governance questions: these are on her landing page at  Susan promises frequent updates, so it’s worth it to retrieve the latest…

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Clearing Internet Explorer’s history and cookies
Clearing Internet Explorer’s history and cookies

The following steps will walk you through clearing out the browsing history and cookies from Internet Explorer, in a way suitable for clearing a server before major software installation. Or, you might use these steps if you’re having trouble client-side and you need to be sure that you’ve retrieved the most recent version of a…

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WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up
WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up

With a search, WHAT you find is quite dependent on WHERE you start. In this article, I describe several of the dimensions involved in default search scope, stemming from WorkSite desktop and server configuration.