
WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up
WorkSite’s default search scope | FileSite close-up

With a search, WHAT you find is quite dependent on WHERE you start. In this article, I describe several of the dimensions involved in default search scope, stemming from WorkSite desktop and server configuration.

WorkSite databases – where and wherefore

iManage WorkSite has a client-and-many-server application architecture. The profile records, structure, and metadata are stored in a relational database – SQL Server or Oracle. The content itself is stored on a file server – which can be encrypted to be HIPAA-compliant as of WorkSite 9.0.  The client machines – running FileSite or DeskSite – never…

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Fragmented index can slash your performance within WorkSite
Fragmented index can slash your performance within WorkSite

“Right now in your data center, a vicious, unforgiving villain is slowly draining the performance from your database servers. It strikes without warning and doesn’t leave a trace in event logs or messages. This killer is fragmentation.” (via SQL Server Fragmentation: The Basics | Brent Ozar PLF.) A badly-fragmented index can impose a performance penalty…

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