Tag:Microsoft Office

iManage FileSite’s Filing Status columns: a quick tip
iManage FileSite’s Filing Status columns: a quick tip

Question: My Outlook ‘Inbox’ has DMS fields for ‘Filing Location’ ‘Filing Status’ and ‘Filing Date’ – but my ‘Sentbox’ does not have these fields.  Is this normal? How can I get this information to appear in my Sent Items and in my Inbox? Answer: That’s normal, but don’t despair. You can easily add Filing Status…

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Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up
Check out WorkSite’s Check in | FileSite close-up

iManage’s desktop applications – whether it’s FileSite, DeskSite, or Email Management – are each closely integrated into the Microsoft Office suite. WorkSite acts as a gate-keeper so that multiple people do not start making changes simultaneously to the same document, resulting in lost work when one overwrites the other. This gate-keeping is accomplished with a…

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Upgrading to iManage IDOL search – taming wildcards

Wild cards behave differently in 8.5 WorkSite compared to 8.2, now that the IDOL indexer is available.  A particular difference is the default use of wildcards in text fields, and in how wildcards affect search results. With the introduction of Autonomy’s IDOL to the WorkSite suite, a subtle but important change was made to the search…

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View perspective: Outlook 2010 and FileSite
View perspective: Outlook 2010 and FileSite

Having trouble a with FileSite view in Outlook 2010? Is it repeatedly garbled (e.g. Outlook flag column included)? Perhaps it’s not available, instead showing the error message “Outlook cannot display this view”. In this article, I’ll provide a few troubleshooting tips, and what you may find is a decent fix. If you’re having similar troubles with…

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