lol – perfect commentary on IoT
— Stacey Mulcahy (@bitchwhocodes) October 1, 2014
wbm312 Oct 05, 1:19pm Data is vs. Data are: ||
@Mallikarjunan @KateElliottSFF A sysadmin sees the inevitability that they all used a glass, even though what they needed was a mug.
— Suzanne Palmer (@zanzjan) October 2, 2014
Love this. MT @joycecaroloates Discounted blurbs for your next book: “intermittently promising”–“sort of mesmerizing””searingly earnest.” — Guy Gavriel Kay (@guygavrielkay) October 25, 2012
Dear software developers, It is okay to have blank lines in your source code. I promise. We aren’t running low.
— friendly catduck™ (@duckinator) September 27, 2014
i’ve seen this look: — John Lepp (@johnlepp) September 19, 2014
Helpful #iOS8 Tip: Prevent Bono from knowing your whereabouts by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > U2 and setting to “Never” — Brian Podolsky (@brianpodolsky) September 18, 2014
Me: Why do I always have to remind you to brush your teeth? Son: Because you’re the one with all the cavities? Me: [blank stare] #TrueStory — Peter Henein (@ThePeterHenein) August 30, 2014