Searching for emails | FileSite close-up

Searching for emails | FileSite close-up

Searching for emails | FileSite close-up

If the user does not know the matter name, there is no way to locate the document by browsing through a workspace. The user will need to search for the document throughout WorkSite, using the search dialog.

FileSite’s Search Documents button

Searching for emails

Goal:  Find an email belonging to a matter you are not working on, and in general you do not know its location.

Precondition: The user does not know the matter number, or its name. The document is already created and is stored in a WorkSite database.


If the user does not know the matter name, there is no way to locate the document by browsing through a workspace. The user will need to search for the document throughout WorkSite, using the search dialog.

Click the Search Documents toolbar button.

The system displays the Search dialog, which will be some variation on the following. You’ll likely want to use the highlighted fields in locating an email.

First, click ‘Clear All’ (in the lower-right) to ensure that the search will include the entire DMS database. More steps follow this picture…

Change the Search Restriction to Return Only Emails, to ensure that your search results are shown with columns for ‘To’ ‘From’ ‘Subject’. The default as you see below is Return All Documents, which summarizes the results as documents even when they are emails.  This makes it tougher to sort and browse within the result set.

  • If you know words from the subject of the email, put these into the Description field.
  • If you know words or a phrase from the body of the email, put these into the Text Search field.
  • Type one or more pieces of identifying information, such as
    • part of the sender’s email ID in ‘From’
    • a recipient’s last or first name in ‘To’
    • date-range for ‘Sent’

Click OK, and double-click the email to open it from the search results.

To discuss your law firm’s email and records management goals, and to ensure that your WorkSite system is configured to support those goals, please contact me.  Helping firms succeed with WorkSite is my business.

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