Seriously, which do you think will sell more books: making libraries re-purchase each e-book after 26 reads, or giving away full copies of book 1 in the series? I know which I think will be successful.
Harper Collins wants to kill library e-books. I signed the petition –take a look and you will probably add your name too.
HarperCollins …. announced in March 2011 it will sell e-books to libraries that will last only 26 reads, forcing cash-strapped libraries to purchase popular titles again and again. via
That’s at .
Now, the happy news – Baen has for FREE – dozens of full-length science fiction and fantasy novels in most/all formats. Just go to their Free Online Library.
This is not a short-time gimmick – it’s been available for years now. And, amazingly, Baen is not out of business because of it.
Go! Read! Try someone new, or start up a famous series that you never visited. There are dozens of authors both famous and aspiring.
Baen Books is making available — for free — a number of its titles in electronic format. We’re calling it the Baen Free Library. Anyone who wishes can read these titles online — no conditions, no strings attached…. Or, if you prefer, you can download the books in one of several formats. Again, with no conditions or strings attached. Why are we doing this? [because it’s a good idea and will likely improve sales]… via Introduction – Baen Books.
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