
Enterprise Search: ready to replace Document Management?
Enterprise Search: ready to replace Document Management?

Should a medium or small law firm invest in a Document Management System? Yes. Enterprise search sounds so powerful… can that be used instead?  Could you instead leave everything as it is, where it is, and apply Enterprise Search to make it accessible firm-wide? I don’t know of a search solution yet, that eliminates the need for a DMS. What does…

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Productivity = Don’t file? No! Matter Centric DMS
Productivity = Don’t file? No! Matter Centric DMS

An IT blog recently recommended “Want to be more productive? Don’t file your email.” Sure, if each person spends 20 minutes daily to file emails, that adds up to a lot of time spent firmwide. Personally, I don’t conclude that ’employees are losing a lot of time carrying out a pointless exercise’. At a law firm or in a legal department, the goal is not purely personal productivity – consider overriding goals for collaboration and record retention. In the legal context, the ‘time spent’ argument is a strawman – set it up in order to knock it down. Don’t read their headline and assume it makes sense for legal!