Have you thought about the BCC field recently? Is it part of the formal record according to your firm? BCC contents differ from one context to the next, and the email’s underlying message ID reflects this difference. Some law firms’ Records Management policies say the BCC field is needed for the original document’s integrity.
Other firms treat the contents in BCC as negligible: they consider a sent item to be functionally identical to the matching received item(s). In this case, it’s preferable to keep just one copy of the message regardless of who or what contributes it to WorkSite. WorkSite’s email duplicate detection logic (mostly) supports this approach, using the Exchange message ID as the unique identifier.
Keeping Records Intact
In order to preserve the original BCC contents, the Sent Item must be filed in WorkSite. To this end, iManage’s Email Management provides an automatic mechanism to capture emails precisely as they were sent.
The setting ‘Auto-file sender’s copy on send-and-file’ will automatically contribute the sender’s copy of a send-and-filed email, in addition to the ‘recipient’ copy that normally is filed. This sender’s copy will preserve the BCC information, and can be private or public, but otherwise the content is identical. This registry setting is called FileBCC, and it must be configured on user machines. The FileBCC setting is documented in the WorkSite Desktop Clients Customization Guide v8.5, which can be downloaded by iManage customers with active support contracts.
To discuss your law firm’s email and records management goals, and to ensure that your WorkSite system is configured to support those goals, please contact us. Helping firms succeed with WorkSite is our business.
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