2011’s funniest click-throughs and search term

2011’s funniest click-throughs and search term

2011’s funniest click-throughs and search term

These are my quirky stats with zero redeeming business value. Possibly negative value… But really, laundry?!

If you were looking for something useful, try my top-tech-tips or top-analysis-tips

  1. empty cornucopia – 15 hits/visits to image page. You have to ask – who was searching and why?!
  2. xkcd 970: The Important Field – 13 click-throughs. This is a valid, funny comic.
  3. partial mousetrap cast – 13 hits/visits to image page. I challenge you to find the link leading here…
  4. xkcd 865: Nanobots – 9 click-throughs   ….more 
  5. Caution – Lightning Shock Zone  – 11 hits/visits to image page
  6. xkcd 961: The Eternal Flame – 4 click-throughs
  7. No weasels! – 3 hits/visits to image page. There must be weasel fans out there.
  8. Make Powerpoint == Tufte shoots kitty – 3 hits/visits to image page

And my favorite search term that resulted in a visit to this blog?

Laundry Hanging Gadgets – which led our hopeful searcher to visit the following. I confess, I ran the search myself to know why it was a match. Did this searcher like what he found?

Outlook hangs on drag-drop | FileSite close-up

When you’re trying to contribute emails to FileSite, does time just stop for Outlook? When there are reports of Outlook hanging after a drag-drop of multiple emails, there is a laundry list of possible factors.  Diagnosis is easier when the trouble’s readily reproducible. Here’s how to narrow down the list of suspects: Is the drag-drop…

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