Monthly Archives: September 2011

8.2 EMM Flags with Outlook 2007 | FileSite close-up

iManage FileSite 8.2 Email Management (EMM) does not coexist very well with Outlook 2007’s revised concepts for Flags and To-dos.  The way EMM 8.2 assigns flags is in direct conflict with how many people use flags in Outlook 2007. Next, I’ll recommend how to fix this in the short and long term, provide further background…

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Creepy Clowns or Gamification?

The gamification challenge is to match a task to a game paradigm, so completion becomes enjoyable yet no more difficult. Before you scoff, even behemoth SAP is pondering gamification: not merely incentives and leader boards, but an actual game interface. Enjoyable? One person’s Euchre may be the next person’s Nascar…

Kiiac building standard NDAs – free online doc generation

I mentioned KIIAC a while ago, as it stirred up some interesting ideas for document analysis.  Now I hear of document generation provided with the same technology: ContractStandards ‘Public Content – Statistically Analyzed – Editorially Enhanced’. I find this fascinating.  I wonder whether Kingsley is marketing this for internal use at law firms? So Kingsley,…

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To Measure Pain – MIT x Hyperbole 1.5

Pain. An endless source for schadenfreude humor, and a fertile ground for research.  Here are two equally-valid articles from about the web, from two of my favourite sources of asides.  Graphics courtesy of Hyperbole and a Half, and geekery from MIT’s Magazine Technology Review. Question: can the MRI distinguish between levels 9 and 10?